Tranning & Placement

The activites relating to placements, training, Educational tours and other presonality developement programs of the students of the departments are controlled and directed by the cell of Training & Placement.
The placement committee cosists of the following members:
Prof.(Dr.) M. R. Kabat, Principal
Dr. S. K. Jayasingh, Associate Professor
Mr. Ajit Kumar Sitha, Programmer
Mr. Satyaprakash Swain, Assistant Professor
Mr. Rajat Kumar Baliarsingh, Assistant Professor
Mr. Deepak Kumar Das, Technical Assistant
Mr. Bhabani Sankar Baral, Student Representative(MCA)
Ms. Harshita Mahapatra, Student Representative (MCA)
Mr. Aswini Satpathy, Student Representative (MBA)
Ms. Sonali Swain, Student Representative (MBA)
Mail Id
Phone/ Fax : 0671- 2506711